Meet the team behind SystemVerilog Assertions Handbook

The SystemVerilog Assertions Handbook

The SystemVerilog Assertions Handbook is a popular publication in the field of hardware design and verification. Authored by Ben Cohen, Ajeetha Kumari, Srinivasan Venkataramanan, and Lisa Piper, it became the world’s first book solely dedicated to SystemVerilog Assertions (SVA) when it was first published in 2005. At a time when SystemVerilog was gaining widespread acceptance, the authors recognized the need for a focused resource that could demystify assertions and provide engineers with practical insights into their use in modern verification flows.

Now in its fourth edition, the handbook has evolved in tandem with advancements in the SVA standard, making it an indispensable reference for both beginners and experienced verification engineers. What sets this book apart is its combination of theory and practical examples, offering real-world insights into the effective use of SVA for improving design verification quality.

Meet the Authors

The team behind the book brings together a wealth of expertise:

  • Ben Cohen, a veteran in VHDL and verification methodologies, has a long history of publishing influential books on hardware verification.
  • Ajeetha Kumari and Srinivasan Venkataramanan, both recognized experts in formal verification and SystemVerilog-based design flows, contributed deep technical knowledge.
  • Lisa Piper, known for her strong background in assertion-based verification (ABV), lint checking, and formal verification, added a valuable layer of industry best practices to the book.

Global Reach

The SystemVerilog Assertions Handbook has gained global recognition and is available in key markets like the US, Europe, and India, where a special Indian edition caters to local needs. Additionally, it has been translated into Japanese by Akio Mitsuhashi, further extending its reach across Asia and enabling engineers in Japan to benefit from its insights.

The book's adoption across academic institutions and the semiconductor industry worldwide reflects its status as a go-to reference in verification methodologies. By making SVA more accessible and practical, this book has had a significant impact on how engineers approach verification, helping to reduce design bugs and improve hardware reliability across the globe.


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