Building a Functional Coverage Model for VHDL Design Using BenchBot and OSVVM

In VHDL-based digital design, ensuring that every key aspect of your design is tested comprehensively is critical. Functional coverage plays a pivotal role in this process by quantifying how thoroughly the testbench exercises the design's functionality. In this article, we will demonstrate how to create a functional coverage model for a simple up/down counter (af_up_dn_counter) using BenchBot, a Python tool for generating templated testbenches, in conjunction with OSVVM (Open Source VHDL Verification Methodology), which provides a robust functional coverage package.

Setting Up the Testbench with BenchBot

BenchBot, a Python app simplifies the creation of VHDL testbenches by generating template files.  It serves as a starting point rather than a fully functional testbench with all tests. However, it goes way beyond basic testbench by creating functional coverage model for all relevant DUT ports.  We will show an example of this below.

Overview of the Design

The design under test (DUT) is an up/down counter with the following key features:

  • Clock (i_clk): Standard clock signal.
  • Reset (i_rst_n): Active-low reset signal.
  • Direction Control (i_up_or_down): Controls whether the counter increments or decrements.
  • Count Output (o_count): An 8-bit wide output that represents the current count value.

Step 2: Integrating OSVVM for Functional Coverage

To track functional coverage, we’ll use the OSVVM coverage package, which provides a powerful and flexible way to measure how well the design is exercised by your test cases.

Importing OSVVM Libraries

First, ensure that your testbench imports the necessary OSVVM packages:

vhdl library osvvm; use osvvm.CoveragePkg.all;

Defining Coverage Models

You can define coverage models for the signals of interest. In this case, we’ll focus on covering the behavior of the counter based on the direction control (i_up_or_down) and the output value (o_count).

Following is an example FCOV model generated automatically by BenchBot.


Initialize the coverage points in your testbench:

Capturing Coverage in the Testbench

Within your testbench process, update the coverage models based on the counter's operation. For example, after applying each set of stimulus:

The fact that this code is fully automatically generated makes it compelling for first time users to add more deeper coverage points.

Generating Coverage Reports

At the end of your simulation, it’s essential to generate a coverage report to analyze the effectiveness of your tests:

Step 3: Running the Testbench

After incorporating OSVVM coverage into your testbench, run the simulation using a VHDL simulator like ModelSim or GHDL. The simulation will exercise the DUT according to the test cases defined, and the coverage points will be tracked automatically.

Step 4: Analyzing Coverage Results

Post-simulation, review the coverage report generated by OSVVM. The report will provide detailed insights into which parts of your design have been tested and highlight any untested areas. This analysis is crucial for refining your test cases to achieve 100% functional coverage.


Creating a functional coverage model for your VHDL design is vital for ensuring comprehensive testing. While BenchBot provides a useful starting point by generating the testbench framework, OSVVM enhances this by adding robust functional coverage capabilities. By integrating OSVVM into your BenchBot-generated testbenches, you can achieve a high level of confidence in the correctness and reliability of your VHDL designs.


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