VHDL Verification with OSVVM - ground-up approach
If you use VHDL to design FPGA or ASIC (RTL design), it is likely that you have come across OSVVM - a methodology library and collateral that can significantly enhance productivity of VHDL testbenches. While there are quite a few conference papers and articles on OSVVM internals, here is our humble attempt to use it on a small design - ground-up. This is not a full-fledged demo of all OSVVM capabilities, rather a beginner's guide to the wonderful world of design verification with OSVVM. Before we go deeper into OSVVM, let's capture some common, protocol agnostic capabilities/features that every testbench would require: Clock generation, with bells and whistles to enable/disable etc. Reset generation - with polarity control. Scalable and flexible messaging features - to print progress during a running simulation and also being able to control it on a regression later in the game. Watchdog - to alert those run-away simulations. Clear separation from TestBench (TB) ...