Opensource testbench generator for VHDL designs, OSVVM included!
VHDL holds a prominent position in the world of FPGA design, particularly within the military, aerospace, and defense sectors. It serves both as a Register Transfer Level (RTL) design language and as a tool for creating testbenches. The availability of open-source simulators, such as GHDL and NVC, alongside numerous free FPGA simulators and synthesis tools, has provided FPGA designers with a significant advantage over their SystemVerilog counterparts. While the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) is widely adopted among SystemVerilog users, VHDL practitioners have traditionally relied on various homegrown methodologies and frameworks. Recently, however, off-the-shelf methodologies and frameworks such as OSVVM, UVVM, and VUnit have become available to VHDL users. Each of these options presents different levels of complexity, allowing users to choose the one that best meets their needs. Despite these advancements, the development of open-source utility tools supporting the latest me...