
Showing posts from January, 2024

SVA: Applications of followed-by operators

Responding to a user query on:  Followed-by operators were later added to the LRM (2009). Quoting from our SVA  handbook (Thanks Ben Cohen, Ajeetha Kumari & Lisa Piper)   the equivalence of sequence_expr #=# property_expr is:   not (sequence_expr |=> not property_expr) So fundamentally there is a difference - when the ANTECEDENT is false, implication treats it as "vacuous success" while the followed-by throws a failure. A good application is while writing cover on a property that was using |=> operator - your coverage results would mislead as "covered", whereas if you use followed-by operator, you would get exactly what you wanted! Below is a tiny example. module m;      bit clk, a, b;      default clocking dcb @(posedge clk);   endclocking : dcb      always #5 clk = ~clk;      c_followed_by : cover property (a #=# b) begin